Added: 24 Feb 2016 |
Category: Older Oval Racing |
And the year was..... 2009 |
2009 seen the first staging of the Lightning Rod World final in Northern Ireland which was won by Stephen Emerson. Andy Best won the 2 Litre European at the Nuttscorner Oval Speedweekend, Wayne Woolsey retained the 2 Litre Hot Rod World final when it was staged at Hednesford.
Nutts Corner Shale Arena also came and went within the space of 3 meetings and the ProStocks arrived on the scene.
[see the full article] |
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Added: 17 Feb 2015 |
Category: Older Oval Racing |
New Facebook Group for Old NI Oval Racing Photos |
Inspired by the various other pages and groups on facebook dedicated to oval racing from days gone, I thought it was time to get in on the act and create something for old stuff from NI. I’ve tried on several occasions through NIF2 to try and get my hands on old stuff to post and share with limited success, but I’m hoping that technology has perhaps caught up with my ambitions and where you once had to have a scanner and a degree in computing to get it all downsized and e-mailed through I’m banking that these days the vast majority of people have camera phones, digital cameras that you can take a decent photo of an old photo and access to facebook where it’s easier than it has ever been to upload photos.
Any group is only as good as it’s members and what they post, so I’m just getting the ball rolling here and let’s see where it ends up. I’m not a huge fan of pages that the admin spends the afternoon adding their entire friends list to a group that they perhaps didn’t want to be a part of, so I’m inviting you to join it, submit you’re photos, you’re videos, you’re stories of the past and please do share it with people you think would be interested and feel free to approve any new members.
Ideally I’d like to keep it to older content, there is plenty of places to post photos of your new Astra rod that you’ll be doing 2 meetings in this season.
Get joining and get posting!
[see the full article] |
Added: 06 Jan 2014 |
Category: Older Oval Racing |
My Favorite Rods |
As with the F2’s I sat down to pick out my favourite “Rods” of all time and it wasn’t just as easy as you’d think. By restricting it to cars I’ve actually seen race it eliminated a considerable amount of what other people would have considered their favourite rods.
[see the full article] |
Added: 16 Dec 2013 |
Category: Older Oval Racing |
My Favorite F2s |
In upsurge in older photos being uploaded in recent months has made me have a think about what cars and car/ driver combinations I'd love to see back on track, and just what my favorite cars down the lines have been. I thought I'd start the journey with the F2's.
[see the full article] |
Added: 26 Jul 2013 |
Category: Older Oval Racing |
Speedweekend in Mono |
As part of the process in putting together the Tullyroan Oval Speedweekend Programme, I convert some photos to mono and see what looks right on the page when it's converted. I don't work in mono a lot, I know some other togs do and I know that it's not rocket science to convert a photo these days or to even shoot in mono, but I thought I'd put a few shots together in mono of past speedweekends, so here they are....
[see the full article] |
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Added: 19 Apr 2013 |
Category: Older Oval Racing |
A Decade Up For Davy |
Ten years has now past since Davy McCall first started his promotion at Nuttscorner Oval following the closure of Shamrock Park at the end of 2002.
I know there has been other landmarks have passed in the time I’ve been running NIF2 and I’ve tried to cover them in some shape or form, but this is the first of the landmarks that began was later than the birth of NIF2.
[see the full article] |
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